Nikon coolpix p900 83x optical zoom review with videos and photos

So I threw in the towel and decided to get a Nikon Coolpix p900. Got mine for £360 used twice only. The zoom is incredible and I took my camera to the nearest airport to do a bit of plane spotting. The weather was humid and overcast, with light showers. I was about 2.5km away. I am not a professional photographer and I did not use a tripod, otherwise the photos would have been much better. Enjoy!

                                          Without zoom this is how far i was. Can't even see
                                           the planes.

                                      Now you can just about see the orange "EasyJet" planes

                                          Getting closer.

                                          Full zoom, including digital.

                                          Caught this one before it disappeared into the clouds  

For videos, see my YouTube channel at;


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